Friday, August 8, 2008

homo ppl not ok


guess what this blog is gg to be about...
its about homosexual and homophobic....

i still dont understand why asians particularly singaporeans have to turn into gay.
i mean why do they want to kiss other men or hug them or even sleep with them?
whats wrong with the females around you guys?
and why do you people need to behave what you are not by nature?.
why do you even need to be a drag?
when i see a gay on the street.
i will admire them
oh yes i do.because they take good care of their body and face.
they are extremly fashionable.
other than that i think they are just really just one big posers
if u interview any one of the gay

their answer would be
oh because i was molested
oh because gals have been hurting me
oh because i was raped n bla bla bla
i mean hello-o
arent these the exact reasons given by the gay community in america and europe?
and yea i think they get these reasons from the much hyped western serials.
sometimes its so disturbing to see gays acting so urggghhhh
their "posing" in the mrt bus n even on the streets.
and according to recent survey more teengers are becoming gay
its either to be under the "comfort" of a much older n richer gay
the other reasons are simply because they want to be the in thing

i respect the gay people at the west
the are brave enough to say that they are gay
they dont hide it from their parents or relatives
n if they do hide it
no one except the gay community would know that he is a gay
at here

we have people whom are so coward
they will say they are gay n all
but ask them to confess to their relatives or parent
their balls will shrink

gals are meant to be gals
guys are meant to be guys
"opposite attracts"
"unlike poles attract"
guys are meant to be with gals
gals are meant to be with guys

these are the simple rules of life,nature and humanity
u go against them
there goes your body
aids appears

your body immune system fails
"cauliflowers" will appear on your skin

its just not right
and whats with gals being lesbian
"oh guys are just assholes-they dont understand or respect us"
eh **** stop being such a coward and quitter in your life
girls kissing each other
having it with one another
get a life lesbians
and there are some butches who would say
i m so man-ly
i m fat
i m ugly
no guys will love me so i want to be lesbo
eh**** it really
stop being such a sore loser in life
why cant u wait till some guy appears n sweep you off your feet

and for those bisexual
"i can enjoy both the world"
well stop being greedy la

#this post does not conclude i despise my frens whom are "special"
its just that i m telling these homo that its not OK living their homo life!


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